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Forever Stevens: Our First Endowment

In 1949, Stevens was founded by the community, for the community.

Today, what makes us great is still the character and composition of our community. We believe that education is a collective endeavor, grounded in shared values, powered by relationships, enriched by diversity in all forms.

Forever Stevens is a campaign for our community, now and in the future. We want to raise $2 million: $1 million from parents, graduates and friends, and $1 million from our own reserves. With that money we’ll establish our first endowment, a permanent fund designed to grow at a sustainable rate. Over time, the endowment will become our primary source of financial aid.

“All children should have access to a Stevens education, regardless of their family’s socioeconomic circumstance. To us, this campaign is about helping Stevens grow stronger — a standard-bearer for progressive education that is deeply rooted in, and concerned with the well-being of, its community."Mukund and Anna P '20 '25


"Our commitment to financial aid has always been crucial to our identity. We value equity, and we value diversity in every form, including socioeconomic diversity. If we’re not accessible to everyone in our community, we’re not living our values. Forever Stevens ensures that we’ll never have to make that compromise."

Farad Lowther, Director of Development


"Because of our Cooperative model, socioeconomic diversity really shines here. People come to Stevens because they want to be part of a community that represents the neighborhood, that looks and sounds like the world. What we share in common is a commitment to education and engaging with the school."

Allison Tabor, Co-Director of Admissions and Financial Aid