DEIJB Commitment Journal
Stevens Cooperative School is deeply committed to becoming a more equitable and anti-racist institution. In our continuing mission to build transparency, accountability and a common understanding of the ongoing work in support of these goals, we maintain this DEIJB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice and Belonging) commitment journal with our school community. This journal is updated annually and serves as a resource for community members and constituents to hold the institution accountable.
In September, Stevens incorporates and annually reviews additional structures that expand hiring efforts to faculty, staff and administrators of color, including search firms and organizations that are dedicated to recruitment of underrepresented employees.
In September, a DEI consultant works with staff, families, and the Board to create four collaborative DEI committees to continually focus on faculty recruitment and retention, admissions, culture and climate, and curriculum.
In January, Stevens hosts its first diversity recruitment fair event for prospective faculty and staff.
In September, the DEI Culture and Climate Committee, consisting of faculty, administrators, staff, board members and parents, begins a review of various surveys to deploy to the Stevens community in order to assess the school’s culture and climate.
In September, Stevens hires the first full-time DEI staff member.
In November, Stevens deploys the Assessment of Inclusivity and Multiculturalism (AIM), provided by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) to staff, trustees, families, students in the 3rd-8th grade and alumni.
In April, Stevens shares the AIM survey results with the Senior Administrative Team, Board of Trustees, staff and families along with an action plan focused on seven strategic goals to achieve over the next three years.
In May, the school appoints the first head teacher to serve as an equity coordinator.
In June, the school reviews and then annually improves summer book reading selections to include various stories across identities and experiences.
In August, Stevens create strategic goals based on AIM Survey results known as the Seven S.T.R.I.D.E.S. (Systemically Tracking and Realizing Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Strategies).
In September, faculty/staff affinity and alliance groups form. The school begins anually reporting on student diversity data on the website. Stevens documents and continuously develops its anti-bias curriculum through developing further faculty understanding of the Learning for Justice Standards in order to incorporate additional standards.
In January, student affinity and alliance groups form.
In August, Stevens begins to require mandatory annual anti-racism and unconscious bias training for all employees.
In September, Stevens forms its DEI Board Committee. The school expands the equity coordinator roles from one to three individuals and amends its policy on how employees report racist and discriminatory incidents. Stevens institutes additional anti-bias protocols and rubrics for hiring managers to explicitly address racism and unconscious bias in the hiring process. The school also redesigns the DEI webpage to include the first DEI progress report (now called the DEI Commitment Journal) and community news on DEI initiatives. Stevens addresses its progress with anti-racism at the Cooperative's trimesterly membership meetings.
In November, Stevens completes Board-directed investigations of past bias incidents. The Board coordinates and supervise the school’s response and report findings to the community.
In February, Family affinity and alliance groups form based on parent/guardian survey data.
In April, Stevens begins annually reporting to the Board on high school outcome trends and patterns by student race.
In June, Stevens begins conducting a formalized annual curriculum review, highlighting current anti-bias curriculum and diversity, equity, and inclusion concepts. The school identifies existing learning experiences that address Teaching Tolerance Social Justice Standards with all faculty during Tuesday faculty meetings.
In July, Stevens includes a required commitment to support the school’s anti-racist efforts in our family handbook.
In August, the school begins to require mandatory annual anti-racism (and unconscious bias) training for all Board members.
In September, Stevens incorporates anti-racist training and workshops into the cooperative’s membership meetings.
In January, Stevens forms the Equity Community Council, a cross-constituency group of faculty, staff, admin, parents, students, Board members and alumni who are committed to serving as a sounding board for the greater Stevens community to help transform the school’s culture, communication, shared experiences, curriculum, community member interactions, and overall environment to be brave, inclusive and representative of our world.
In February, the school begins annually reporting faculty/staff diversity data on the website. Stevens also creates a Stevens creates a group representing all constituencies, including students, parents, alumni, administration, staff, and faculty to work in partnership with the Board and school administration, provide guidance and hold the school accountable.
In July, school handbooks are updated with bias incident protocols and a formalized procedure for reporting incidents of bias amongst staff to staff, staff to students, and staff to non-Stevens adults.
In December, the first tri-annual DEI newsletter is sent to Stevens families, reporting on the school’s DEI efforts, progress and upcoming events.